Sunday, May 22, 2005

Scotiabank training

About a month to go until the Scotiabank. Today our long run was supposed to be 15 k. We set off in the rain: John, Shirley, Ruben, Barb, Donna, Linda and me. Plus Tony and a woman whose name I don't know - they turned back as planned at about 5k. Ernie and Kelly, both battling injuries, opted for a walk.

The half-marathoners headed along Pandora, down into the PNE grounds and then west along Dundas/Powell/Alexander. At the halfway point, the rain having let up, John convinced us to run to the Gastown clock, since there were only a few blocks left. Between that and a slightly different return (over the tracks by way of some stairs at - I think - Clark, and then east along Commissioner to New Brighton and then home along the Trans-Canada Trail) we ended up doing 17.2 k. We walked for a couple of hundred metres after we hit the 15k mark, but it was raining again, and harder, so Ruben, John, Shirley and I ran in. Barb and Donna were both dealing with some annoying aches, and Linda kept them company walk-running in.

A really great run! (Next week: Science World, a little over 16 k.)


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