Sunday, June 05, 2005


This is getting to be a habit. Today about a dozen of us headed across 2nd Narrows for an 18k run. We ended up doing about 20. We don't know for sure, because the idiot GPS technician forgot to restart her Forerunner at 10.5k when we were regrouping. We probably ran about 2-3 k before she noticed. After that, we did another 6.6k which took us back to Eileen Dailly. (Oh well, at least I recharged the battery after last week's technical issue!) We ran along Dollarton and then up Mt Seymour Parkway and back. We were able to avoid that steep section at Dollarton because one of the male Bushtits asked for directions for a shortcut (who says men never ask for diretions?).

The rain held off until we were on the return across the bridge, and didn't start seriously until we were dong the last 2k or so. We weren't too wet to go to Tim Horton's after...

Another 10-15 people headed down to the PNE lake and from there to New Brighton and back - guess they missed the rain!

A lesson today about sticking together and paying attention to route discussion. Three people left the group to go to the bathroom, but didn't continue on the further 1/2k to Dollarton Plaza, where the rest of us waited for them. Three people looped back to see if they were OK, but they'd apparently forgotten that we weren't going back the way we came, and headed home. If you're going to head back, or leave the group - TELL THE REST OF THE GROUP!!!


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